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Making Water Conservation a Way of Life

Regulated water utilities are active community stewards that promote water efficiency and environmentally sound business practices.

Regulated water utilities are committed to implementing best practices for water conservation and water use efficiency and are well on their way to making conservation a California way of life. They are fully engaged in comprehensive, ongoing conservation programs with their customers.

These programs help customers use water conservation and are among the best in the state. Depending on the water company, they maay include:

  • Audits by and consultations with trained water efficiency experts who offer tailored information on how customers can use less water at home or work.
  • Rebates for installing high-efficiency toilets and clothes washers, upgrading water-wasting sprinklers and controllers and replacing thirsty lawn with beautiful low-water use plants.
  • Education through workshops and events, informational materials, outreach to schools and water-wise demonstration gardens.

Responding to Drought

California relies on rainfall and snow, which fall primarily during the winter months, to support its cities, farms, and environment. Historically, this snow melts over the spring and summer, replenishing rivers, streams, and reservoirs. Water suppliers manage this flow to ensure there’s enough water to support the state during the dry months and dry years. However, California’s climate is dynamic and variable. While droughts are common in the West, extended periods of drought are becoming more frequent and intense as snowfall patterns are changing. This has resulted in too much water some years, and not enough in others. 

To adapt to these extremes, all Californians must embrace water use efficiency and new statewide water conservation regulations will soon require water suppliers to manage water to help their customers more efficiently manage their use. Making Water Conservation a California Way of Life, finalized in 2024, sets water use standards for communities across the state to help cities better understand and reduce their use. Regulated water utilities have been leading the way to promote increased water use efficiency and empower customers to meet the challenges of Making Water Conservation a California Way of Life

More Information and Ideas

If you would like more information about how to conserve water, here are some helpful links to many excellent programs by California’s regulated utilities:

For an excellent overview of making water conservation a way of life and lots of ideas for making it happen, go to Save Our Water.