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“Small Systems” are defined by the U.S. EPA as those serving populations of less than 10,000 persons. Many of CWA’s members fall into this category, with some systems’ service populations of less than 500 connections.
Small drinking water systems face unique challenges, as cost of infrastructure investments and upgrades and increasingly stringent drinking water standards require increasing investment from utilities. Additionally, many small systems are in rural and disadvantaged communities that lack the resources to maintain and operate these systems. CWA works closely with our small systems and has an active committee focused on the unique needs of these communities as they provide their residents with reliable, safe, clean, affordable drinking water.

Lukins Brothers Water Company, Inc. (LBWC) serves over 975 customers in the South Lake Tahoe Area, providing domestic water service and fire protection through a network of 58,000 feet of water mains and fire hydrants. Established by Melvin and Glen Lukins between 1947 and 1967, LBWC initially relied on wells to supply water to residents in Lukins subdivision. Over time, LBWC expanded within its current district boundaries as subdivisions were developed by El Dorado County. In 1953, LBWC obtained a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to serve 20 customers, and in 1965, it entered a Franchise Agreement with the City of South Lake Tahoe after the city’s incorporation.

Committed to delivering safe and reliable drinking water, LBWC collaborates with local, state, and federal agencies to ensure high-quality service for its customers. As a family-owned and operated business, LBWC emphasizes community engagement and supports various local activities and organizations to provide the best possible customer service.

Bakman Water Company, operating in the Central Valley for over 75 years and now in its fourth generation, has deep roots in the water industry. Originating from their own agricultural background, the Bankman family recognized the need for water services as southeast Fresno transitioned to residential and commercial development in the 1940s. To meet this demand, they established Bankman Water Company in 1948, laying the foundation for a community water system that has since grown to serve over 20,000 people across two counties. The company’s success is attributed to customer loyalty, smart growth strategies, and a culture of innovation. Today, Bankman Water remains committed to delivering safe and sustainable water solutions while actively contributing to education, sports, recreation, and sustainable development initiatives in the communities they serve. With a team of industry experts dedicated to meeting customers’ needs, Bakman Water is recognized locally and statewide for its expertise and leadership in the water sector.

In 1964, Al Boeke was captivated by the majestic yet desolate Sea Ranch area, prompting his company to envision a small residential community there. Their mission was to prove that harmonious habitation of the fragile California coast was possible. The Sea Ranch community, driven by principles of environmental stewardship and community service, embraced this challenge. The Sea Ranch Water Company was developed to provide water service to the 2,200 homes in this community and is a vital part of the community’s commitment to sustainable living and protection of natural resources.